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Due to the fact that every computer monitor, laptop, tablet and phone screen has a different capability to display colours and everyone may see these colours differently, please understand the actual colour may vary slightly from your monitor. |
Kunst kann nicht nur Deinen Lebensraum bereichern, sondern ein Gefühl für Dein göttliches Sein und Wesen erwecken, Deine Visionen verbildlichen, sie fördern, stärken und ihrer Verwirklichung dienen
Your life and space can be enhanced and enriched with art that reflects, nurtures and deeply resonates with your divine being and vision
As much as the butterfly in its full extension will draw our attention, the magical transformation within the cocoon is the significant happening unfolding and yes spiralling, physically manifesting into being and moving, a new way of life. To be courageous is to allow yourself to change and mature into your true nature a beautiful precious purpose filled spark of life. WHICH BRIGHT FUTURE WILL YOU CHOOSE?
In our own Metamorphosis the most silent remarkable changes happen when we retreat from the world into our own cocoon to find our true selves and so the past comes to a finite end yet the future is undetermined Be still and allow magical loving ideas, desires and visions to come forth and hover in the background of your heart and mind, then choose with love what serves the highest good for you and all involved. ENLIGHTENING BEINGS A Devinely orchestrated Metamorphosis birthes beautiful magical beings that by their existence spontaneously encourage light filled moments and spaces to popp up in our consciousness and lives. You can trust the love and light in your heart that will safely guide and provide all that is necessary for your unfolding within to create a new light filled world and soar and thrive. ALL IS INVISIBLY CONNECTED We may not always sense the myriad of connections between ordinary events nor be aware of the quiet unforeseen synchronicities that happen and yet like strings that form the core of all existence there are invisible energies at play, connection in our lives. Allow your spiritual nature to be connected through love to all and everything in your life, choosing to create a world you love. OUT OF NOTHING COMES EVERYTHING A thought can take form, an idea become reality, a feeling can unleash new energies and a seed that hasn’t existed before create a new being, new life in a miracle that we are birthed into & part of. What beauty and magic, what loving joyful reality would you like to create? UNITED IN LOVE Love is our true nature. Not just romantic love but a love that is life giving, protecting, nurturing, true. Love that doesn’t shy away from the joys and pains, the responsibilities it brings but lifts its often dreaded or glorified burdens by demystifying the true meaning namely the ability to respond out of who you are, from it. United in love we are a strong and powerful force able to create new bubbles of love wherever we go. SWEPT UP BY SYNCHRONICITY Only the skies are the limit when you dare to dream up what truly matters to your precious heart and dare to bring your dreams to life. In that magical vibrant life synchronicities allow us to connect with those alike & together shine in the light. RISING WITH HOPE AND LOVE What can we do about the past and what has already happened and can’t be undone? Can looking back change the facts at all? Or can we choose our human privilege to find a meaning that allows us to evolve, to learn, to heal and to grow into our true destiny of magnificent beautiful loving and caring beings? Amidst everything we can ask for Devine grace and protection. Then we can rise once again by the strength of hope and love. METAMORPHOSIS As much as the butterfly in its full extension will draw our attention, the magical transformation within the cocoon is the significant happening unfolding and yes spiralling, physically manifesting into being and moving, a new way of life. To be courageous is to allow yourself to change and mature into your true nature a beautiful precious purpose filled spark of life. MAGIC AND HEALING Even after great tragedy has struck and even when we felt like giving up all joy and hope and even when the skies have wept blood and the earth is drenched with it, we can and must still seek and find the light, comfort and love in our hearts and our world and trust magic, healing and new growth. Pain and suffering can blind us to the love and beauty and magic within and the world around us. There is loss and grief and mourning. And yet when the time has come our Devine spiritual nature will inevitably rise us from sorrow to new life and joy, magic and healing Pain and suffering can blind us to the love and beauty and magic within and the world around us. There is loss and grief and mourning. And yet when the time has come our Devine spiritual nature will inevitably rise us from sorrow to new life and joy, |
A miracle of profound transformation unfolds. Continuously. Simply being consciously present and engaged in daily being, true to who I AM and what my heart connects to with love, something beyond my comprehension, beyond my apparent present reality, capability, options a powerful dream for a life, a world I envision and truly love unfolds. Day by day we can take a step forward towards our dreams without knowing if they will take wings facing the unknown and the dark night of the soul till day breaks, when without a shadow of doubt we clearly see a new horizon, a new life, a new world, a dream created into reality. A munching earthbound caterpillar IS to become a beautiful light heavenly butterfly flying high. Metamorphosis isn’t something you do. It’s something that happens IN you, it’s the surrender to a Divine plan unfolding in its own time and way. Metamorphosis is being pregnant with the next stage of yourself. It happens ever so often, accompanied by a myriad of outer events that help move it along. HEALING
Our essence is Love, Light. We are spiritual beings. Often this has been hidden by the veil of our mind our conditioning and past so hasn’t been consciously experienced. As the veil rips apart, we come to see the sacred spark of life the light within, enkindling flames of purpose filled action and rays of love in our hearts and our being, healing us and our world. Allow your stillness, time to be, a full breath extend into purpose filled action. |